本人主要从事量子物理和量子光学相关的理论研究。入现职以来发表SCI(EI)论文10余篇。以第一(通讯)作者身份在Phys. Rev. A(二区top),Europhys. Lett. ,Opt. Commun. 国际主流SCI杂志上发表论文8篇。入选2018-2022年教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会东北地区工作委员会委员,担任吉林省物理学会第十届理事会理事。作为项目负责人主持科研项目5项,参与国家自然科学基金项目5项,科研经费总额48.5万元。
1.Tian Tian,Zhihai Wang and L. J. Song*. Rotation sensing in two coupled whispering-gallery-mode resonators with loss and gain.Phys. Rev. A,100, 043810 (2019).
2.T. Tianand L. J. Song*. Collective effect of single-photon scattering on the three-level atomic Array.Europhys. Lett. 124,34002 (2018).
3.T. Tianand L. J. Song*,High efficient single-photon router with six ports .Optics Communications,402, 557 (2017).
4.T. Tian,Q. Li, Lan Zhou and L. J. Song*. Single-photon momentum displacement in resonatorarray with optomechanics.Int. J. Theor. Phys,55(2016).
5. W. Cheng,T. Tian,and Z. Wang*,Quantum beats and metrology in a rapidly rotatingNitrogen-Vacancy center ,Eur. Phys. J. D,73171(2019).
6. Cheng Zhou,Tian Tian, Chao Gao, Wenlin Gong and Lijun Song,High-quality compressive ghost imaging.Journal of Optics, 21055702(2019).
7. Heyan Huang,Cheng Zhou,Tian Tian, Dongqi Liu and Lijun Song, High-quality compressive ghost imaging.Optics Communications, 412(2018).
8. Shu Mei Pan,,Bahetiguli Asilibieke, Li Zheng,Tian Tian*, Xue Zhang and Tai Yu Zheng*, The dynamical Casimir effect in squeezed vacuum state.Int. J. Theor. Phys, 58(2019).
9.严冬*,王彬彬,白文杰,田甜基于偶极阻塞效应的单光子水平电磁感应透明.光学学报394 (2019).
10.T. Tian,T. Y. Zheng*, Z. H. Wang, and X. Zhang,.Dynamical Casimir-Polder force in a one-dimensional cavity with quasimodes.Phys. Rev. A82, 013810 (2010)
11.T. Tian*, D. Z. Xu, T. Y. Zheng, and C. P. Sun,Coherent control of single photons in the cross resonator arrays via the dark state mechanism.Eur. Phys. J. D 67, 69 (2013).
12. X. Zhang, T. Y. Zheng*,T. Tian, S. M. Pan* ,The Dynamical Casimir Effect versus Collective Excitations in Atom Ensemble,Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 064202 (2011)
13.W. Y. Jiang, Z. M. Zhao,T. Tian, L. Zheng, and T. Y. Zheng*. Atom dynamical dissipation in the laser cavity with quasimode.Chin. Phys. B 22, 064204 (2013).
14. S. M. Pan,T. Tian*, H. Yang, T. Y. Zheng, X. Zhang, X. Q. Shao, and L. Zheng,. Casimir Force in a one-dimensional cavity with quasimode.Commun. Theor. Phys.61, 641 (2014).
1. “基于耦合腔系统的光子相干控制”,吉林省科技厅科技计划项目,10万元,2018.01-2019.12,批准号:20180520175JH。
2. “低维耦合腔中的Casimir效应及量子光学现象研究”,吉林省教育厅科技项目,3万元,2017.01-2018.12,批准号:JJKH20170488KJ。
3. “耦合腔阵列中的光子相干调控”,长春大学青年培育项目,3万元,2018.04-2019.03,批准号:ZK201809。
4. “微腔中的光子调控和量子精密测量”,吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目,2.5万元,2020.01-2021.12,批准号:JJKH20200558KJ。
5. “耦合腔系统中的光子调控和精密测量”,长春大学“长大学者攀登计划”长大青年学者A类博士项目,30万元,2020.01-2024.12,批准号:Zkp202010。